
Shop here: Nur bei uns mit POSTER – Moritz R® – Nach Herzenslust モーリッツ・R®
Previous Post: Pony und Ohr in der Postmoderne.
At last… the official release of Moritz R®’s solo album „Nach Herzenslust” is available NOW as a vinyl LP, a CD and an extra 7” Single, which is included only in the „Mega Pack”.
Please order via our web shop for the Very Special Collectors Edition with Poster & Goodies! Our lovely office nerd Anja will serve you.
The album is also available directly from the label Suezan Studio (Japan) or in good record shops. (without Poster)
Shop here: Nur bei uns als Special Collectors Edition mit POSTER – Moritz R® – Nach Herzenslust
Preoder before Offical Release at chakchak & check out the Superlimited Edition with Original Artwork& Painting by Moritz R.